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Carrotrade Inc. は、田中充の長年培った国際貿易並びにトレードファイナンスの知識、経験と人脈をベースに海外顧客の期待を受けて創業致しました。




Carrotrade Inc. was established by Mitsuru Tanaka, a Japanese businessman, who has had long term experience in international trade and finance. He has had substantial exposure and network in the field of international trade business.

The world market of commodities such as Non-Ferrous products, Steel products and Agricultural products and so on has increased the demand steadily driven by the economic growth of many countries.
In recent years the international commodity trade has seen a paucity of funding that is also caused by the rising inflation.
Carrotrade has been providing the market with a reliable platform of commodity and money having good cooperation from overseas clients and financial organization (especially Japanese bankers).

In the past three years, Carrotrade has been fortunate to obtain a good comprehension and trust from those stakeholders. In order to reward their kind supports Carrotrades has strengthened its management team by increasing the number of directors to enhance expertise, creativeness and resilience.

In order to achieve our goal, we try to adopt the following new technologies that we believe, will ultimately contribute to ESG.

フィンテック Photo by (c)Tomo.Yun



We run in front of Fintech revolution promoted by Japanese banks and provide our overseas customers with an agile, efficient and customer-focused service of finance.


DX (Digital transformation) デジタルトランスフォーメーション

顧客のKYCに始まり、契約、船積み、決済をすべてデジタル化し、ペーパーレスの先頭を走ります。 豊富なデータベースを基軸に、商品の需給をコーディネートし、最適のファイナンスを仕組みます。

The process of KYC of customers, contract negotiations and conclusions, shipments and payment settlements shall be digitalized. The objective is to save paper and contribute towards greening the environment.
Based on a rich database, demand and supply of commodities shall be well coordinated and the optimized finance scheme shall be offered to customers.