

Confidence 信頼


The base of business is Confidence and Trust with all business counterparts including buyers, suppliers and financers. We will do the best to establish and maintain a good confidence with them under any circumstances.


Open-minded 進取の気鋭

フィンテック、DX, AIなど新しい技術を貪欲に導入し、時代を先取りするビジネスモデルを志向します。 地球環境保全、ESG向上に貢献する新しい商品、ビジネス分野に積極コミットし、弛まぬ成長につなげます。

 We are open to any new technology of financing, digital transformation and AI and we are looking to develop our own proprietary platform for digitizing trade finance.
 We are open to any new commodities, any new business model and any new business field.
 We are open to anything as far as it may bring the eternal sustainability of human beings, sound balance of nature and the earth itself.


Customer-focused 顧客目線

顧客は、商品の売り先だけとは限りません。仕入元、金融機関など我々のビジネスを支えて協力してくれる方々は全て顧客です。 顧客目線で全体最適をはかり、Win-Win関係を築きます。

Our behavior shall be always done on Customer-Focused basis. Our customer is not only buyers of commodities but also suppliers, financial institutions and anybody who would support our business and would contribute to create a win-win relationship.